Fine-Tuning BERT for multiclass categorisation with Amazon SageMaker
This post describes our approach to fine-tuning a BERT model for multiclass categorisation with Hugging Face and Amazon SageMaker. Continue reading

Software engineering: 5 things they don’t teach you at university
Introduction Over the past couple of months, I’ve been working as an intern software engineer in the Banking Integrations team here at FreeAgent. Before I started, I had just finished the second year of my Computer Science degree at the University of Birmingham. Whilst university taught me a multitude of skills, there are many that can only be truly gained from working in a company. I’d like to share some… Continue reading

The Value of an Internship at FreeAgent
Coming from a chemistry background, I’d never have thought that the skills I was learning at university could be transferred to working as an analytics intern at FreeAgent, but this summer I proved myself wrong. After spending a lot of time taking courses in Python and SQL with the Code First: Girls charity through a year of lockdown, this internship was the perfect opportunity for me to develop everything I… Continue reading
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New wine, old skins – how FreeAgent blends existing tools and fresh approaches
According to the parable in Matthew’s gospel, “no-one pours new wine into old wineskins – otherwise, the wine would burst the wine-skins, and both would be ruined.” So, coming into FreeAgent as an intern, I wondered – would FreeAgent prefer the new wine in the new skins or the old wine in the old skins? Would they satisfy the stereotype of the tech start-up, move fast and break things, trip… Continue reading
I Came, I Saw, I Categorised
It’s been a wild time this summer at FreeAgent: four-day weeks, Edinburgh flooding, people gearing up to return to the office, and in the meantime you have me, the remote software engineering intern, working away in his little corner of the FreeAgent world. But before all that, who is this wee guy? Well, I’m Fraser Dempster and I spent 12 weeks of my summer at FreeAgent. Excuse me, I'm lost… Continue reading

Lessons from my first software engineering internship
I started university two years ago with minimal programming knowledge and only a few lessons making Pong in Scratch under my belt. So in the beginning of my Computer Science degree, I spent a lot of time playing catch-up. My experience here at FreeAgent is what has finally caught me up. Unlike in most internships, it was business as usual from day one for me, rather than one big project.… Continue reading

Bank Transaction Entity Detection with AWS Comprehend
Introduction For the past year, FreeAgent has been running a machine learning model in production that categorises customer bank transactions. This model takes transaction descriptions and transaction amounts as inputs, and attempts to predict the corresponding accounting category. This summer, I joined the data science team with the more specific goal of increasing model generalisation, which would allow it to make predictions for a larger fraction of incoming transactions. One… Continue reading

Say hello to some of our women in engineering!
We celebrated International Women in Engineering Day earlier this week with a video featuring some of our own. This inspired a few more of us to mark the occasion and say hello. What’s exciting is that there are many different routes to a career in engineering. Say hello to... Katrina 👋 Who inspires you in the tech world? I think I've been genuinely lucky to start out at FreeAgent. Over… Continue reading
Titlecase, underscore and laser guns
Not so long ago, I had an opportunity to peek under the hood of titlecase and underscore methods, the tiny cogs of the “Rails magic” machine. The latter turned out to be a very interesting function—a lot of hard-to-follow transformations, secret injections and the like. All of these bits significantly contributed to an odd-looking bug I’ve been working on. Today, we’ll unravel the implementation of both methods and look in… Continue reading
Engineering Principles at FreeAgent
Culture is an inherent part of every organisation. It lives and breathes. In our engineering organisation at FreeAgent there are now over 100 fabulous people. It is these people and the culture we have built that are consistently recognised as our two most important strengths. They're also what we fear losing the most. There is a natural cycle of cultural onboarding for new people joining our organisation. In their first… Continue reading