Blasting away with Jetpack Compose: Android development at FreeAgent
FreeAgent’s talented mobile app engineers work within their own specialised technology stack. Unlike the developers for the desktop version of FreeAgent, we don’t use HTML, JavaScript, or Ruby. Instead, we work with Kotlin for Android development, and Swift for iOS. The FreeAgent mobile app developers work to keep feature parity with the desktop version, whilst juggling unique mobile-specific considerations. These considerations are vital to empowering mobile customers and their businesses.… Continue reading

How to boost your confidence as a beginner software engineer
Every engineer has questioned at least once in their life whether they are skilled enough for their chosen field. I experienced these doubts when I started my computer science degree at university, and despite the fact that I got through the first three years successfully, I still wasn’t fully confident in my abilities when I started my internship at FreeAgent. However, this is entirely normal. Every engineer faces challenges on… Continue reading
I Came, I Saw, I Categorised
It’s been a wild time this summer at FreeAgent: four-day weeks, Edinburgh flooding, people gearing up to return to the office, and in the meantime you have me, the remote software engineering intern, working away in his little corner of the FreeAgent world. But before all that, who is this wee guy? Well, I’m Fraser Dempster and I spent 12 weeks of my summer at FreeAgent. Excuse me, I'm lost… Continue reading

The Mobile Apps and the Tester
The replatforming of our hybrid mobile app to separate iOS and Android native apps was already well under way when I arrived at FreeAgent as a test engineer for the mobile team. Since then we have carved out processes that the whole team can contribute to, giving us confidence that for each release our apps are in good shape. Here are a few things we are doing to ensure this.… Continue reading
Replatforming the iOS mobile app
It has been just over a year since we shipped our replatformed iOS app to great reviews and many happy customers. In this post I would like to take a look back at where we came from and how the FreeAgent mobile app is shaping up for the future. We started developing the mobile app way back in 2014. At the time the entire engineering team was ~20 people and… Continue reading
A brief history of mobile
It's been a year since we launched our mobile app! In March 2015 we launched FreeAgent Mobile for iOS. Initially limited to a small feature set, we quickly added new things over the next couple of months: expenses and mileage rebilling, updating and explaining bank transactions, and linking expenses and transactions to projects. In January 2016 we launched our Android version (with the same feature set as iOS), and more… Continue reading