All posts written by Steven Williamson

A 12-step guide to AWS cost optimisation
This article outlines the pragmatic approach that we’ve followed here at FreeAgent in our first 18 months of using AWS to increase our cost efficiency. Using this approach, we’ve already cut our AWS spend by 50%, and we estimate we can save another 30% a year by implementing further efficiencies. Here are 12 things we’ve learned along the way. Our strategy 1. Don’t optimise for cost too early We fully… Continue reading
System hardening leads to CVE-2015-3341 and fun with DTrace
Here at FreeAgent, security is a never-ending project. We are never finished, and we are always looking for ways to harden our platform, ensuring data is kept safe. Security should not be taken for granted – it is not just about technical mitigations or fancy enterprise firewalls, equally important is developing the right set of processes and procedures. One important aspect is testing your security controls. You need to be… Continue reading