All posts tagged with 'desks'

Working from Home: The desks of FreeAgent Engineering
FreeAgent has always been a remote friendly company. When the co-founders started building the company over a decade ago, they were in different parts of the UK. In ordinary times, roughly half of our Engineering team is remote and everyone else works from our lovely, though currently empty, office in Edinburgh. Four years ago we posted a handful of pictures of people’s engineering desks, and as the company has grown… Continue reading
Remote Desks (Revisited!)
Back in 2015 we joined in with an internet custom by posting pictures of our desks in all their glorious variety. Now that it's 2018, National Work from Home Day and a few years since that post, a followup is in order. Some folks have moved, others have joined and we don't often get to look at one another's desks—usually we get to see what's behind them on video calls!… Continue reading
Engineering Desks
It's become somewhat of a custom around the internet to post pictures of your desks, especially when you're not all sat in the same office. I know I certainly enjoy looking at other people's desks & environments, so without further ado, here's our desks & views from around FreeAgent. Caius (Shropshire, UK) Cédric (Lyon, France) Harry (Toronto, Canada) Nathan (Sheffield, UK) Olly (Edinburgh, UK - in our head office) Philip… Continue reading