What we’ve been reading about this week:
- New Relic regularly release statistics about the apps they’re monitoring. The latest State of the Stack makes for interesting reading as usual. It shows that Ruby 1.9.2 is fast catching up with 1.8.7 and Rails 3.0 is the most popular Rails version. Thin and Passenger are still by far the most popular dispatchers. If you’re interested, FreeAgent is currently running on Ruby 1.9.2-p180 and Rails 3.0.10 We’re currently running Apache and Passenger but will be moving over to nginx and Unicorn in the coming weeks.
- Jasmine. We writing more and more Javascript these days and we’re finding Jasmine is a lovely way to unit test this code.
- We read about How Etsy Overcame Poor Architectural Choices
- The RubyConf 2011 videos have started to appear on confreaks.net
- We discovered everything you ever wanted to know about web performance but were afraid to
Fast apps == Happy customers. - Browser Stack has come out of beta
- d3.js is a jQuery-like data visualisation library that looks really useful
Until next time, ciao!