! ‘CoffeeScript: two sugars, no bitter aftertaste’

Posted by on January 30, 2012

This is part one of a two part intro to CoffeeScript.

The FreeAgent web application runs on Rails, and around the corner for us is an upgrade to Rails 3.1. This will bring many benefits to
performance, but one of the things I’m most excited about is the asset pipeline. This makes JS and CSS assets first-class Rails citizens, and as a bonus, allows us built-in access to pre-compilers like CoffeeScript and Sass.

I’ve been cutting JavaScript for as long as I’ve been coding for the web, so CoffeeScript has me all excited.

Waiter! There’s some soup in my coffee!

JavaScript isn’t very readable, and unreadable code is hard to maintain. Compared with Ruby or Python, there are brackets, braces and quotes everywhere. Often, there’s more syntactical soup than software.

CoffeeScript isn’t a framework, but instead compiles to runnable JavaScript. You write CoffeeScript, compile it, and out pops clean, tight JavaScript ready for the browser. You get optimised JavaScript, but work with clean, understandable, maintainable code.

CoffeeScript starts to make real sense once you’ve written some, so we’ll get to that as fast as we can. First, let’s look at installing the CoffeeScript compiler, so we can have it convert our CoffeeScript files into JavaScript that we can load in our browser.

To get CoffeeScript installed on your development machine, you’ll need a *nix-like environment, a text editor, a terminal, and a browser to check the results. First we install node.js (a JavaScript runtime that CoffeeScript needs to do its magic). We then install node’s package manager (npm) and use
that to install CoffeeScript itself. On Mac OS X, the simplest way to do this is with Homebrew. Make sure you have XCode installed, then follow the instructions to install Homebrew, or just open a terminal session and type:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/gist/323731)"

Then use Homebrew to install node.js:

brew install node

Finally, install npm (a package manager for node), and use that to install CoffeeScript:

curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
npm install -g coffee-script

If you’re running Linux, your package manager can install node, then install npm and CoffeeScript. If, on the other hand, you’re using
Windows, try following Matthew Podwysocki’s instructions at CodeBetter.

Okay, so now you’re up and running with CoffeeScript. Let’s dive in.

CoffeeScript, you validate me

What I want to run through here is the CoffeeScript syntax, and how expressive it can be. I could build up a really complicated little app, and that would be fun, but it would also be, well, complicated.

Let’s keep things simple but practical so we can focus on CoffeeScript, not the problem domain. Let’s validate a form!

<form id="contact_form">

      <input type="text" name="name">
      <input type="email" name="email">
      <textarea name="enquiry"></textarea>
    <li><input type="submit"></li>

Woo! Exciting! Let’s crack open form.coffee and see what mischief we can get up to.

required_field_names = ['name', 'email']

So far, so boring. That’s just JavaScript! True, but let’s drop to the shell and compile that file out to JavaScript:

coffee -c form.coffee

gives us form.js, which looks like this:

  var required_field_names;
  required_field_names = ['name','email];


What’s happened? The required_field_names variable has been scoped
by var, and the whole script has been wrapped in a namespace.
This protects us against one of the most common sources of bugs in JavaScript: accidental global variables. In CoffeeScript, variables are local by default, instead of global as in regular JavaScript. If you’ve never worried about scoping in JavaScript before, you’re very lucky. If you have, then this is a lifesaver.

The first sip

Let’s include the js file in our form:

  <script src="form.js"></script>

And then, horribly, let’s add an event handler to the form. Remember, CoffeeScript isn’t a framework:

<form onsubmit="return validate(this);">

Let’s declare our required fields array within this validate function, and return false to prevent the form from submitting during
development. In plain JS, we might write the following:

var validate = function( form ) {
  var required_fields_names = ['name', 'email'];
  return false;

Now, CoffeeScript handles the variable declaration, so we can lose var. Additionally, function declarations use a more concise notation, so

function( args ) { ... some code ... }


( args ) -> ... some code ...

and instead of braces, we use indentation to describe blocks. So we get:

validate = (form) ->
  required_field_names = ['name', 'email']
  return false

We’ve also lost the semi-colons at the end of each line. Finally, like Ruby, the result of the last statement executed in the function is automatically returned. So we can lose the explicit return:

validate = (form) ->
  required_field_names = ['name', 'email']

Compile it out with coffee -c form.coffee, check form.js, reload the form in your browser and… the form submits. What’s gone wrong?

CoffeeScript creates everything in a namespace with a local scope. That means our validate function is so far only available to be called within the scope of the form.js file, and not outside. This prevents another function called validate from clobbering our definition, but isn’t very helpful. To get around this, CoffeeScript makes us explicitly declare variables we wish to have a global scope:

window.validate = (form) -> …

is what we need. Compile again, reload the form, submit and… no submission. Progress!

If you’re anything like me, typing coffee -c form.coffee each time you make a change is starting to get annoying. If you’re so inclined, you could use something like CodeKit, but me, I like my command line. Luckily, the coffee command has a watch option. Running:

coffee -cw *.coffee

will launch the compiler and leave it running, recompiling any file that matches the pattern as it changes. Nice.

Grinding the beans

We have a list of required field names, and a submit handler to check them. Let’s get stuck into grabbing the fields themselves. Again, in JavaScript, you might do something like:

var required_fields = [];
for ( var name in required_field_names ) {
  var field = form.elements[name];
  required_fields.push( field );

to build up an array of actual fields to check. Yes, jQuery would make this simpler, but we’ll see about that later. Transliterating into CoffeScript, as a first pass, we might write:

required_fields = []
for name in required_field_names
  field = form.elements[name]
  required_fields.push( field )

Not a huge saving, but we can go one better with the for loop:

required_fields = for name in required_field_names

In other words, for will act as a map, collecting together the returns of each iteration and returing those in an array. Finally,
CoffeeScript gives us a little bit of magic to turn this into a one liner:

required_fields = (form.elements[name] for name in required_field_names)

This reads like a sentence:

Required Fields are the form elements for each Required Field Name

But wait. Parentheses? I thought this was CoffeeScript! We don’t need no stinking parentheses!

Well, turns out we do. Parentheses in CoffeeScript are still allowable. In fact, they are used primarily to ensure precedence (just as they are in JavaScript), or sometimes simply to increase readability.

We’ve distilled five lines of JavaScript down to a single, clean line of code that expresses precisely what it does. validate itself is now four lines long. The compiled JavaScript is sitting at around 18 lines of bullet-proof, tight and memory efficient code.

There’s a lot to like about CoffeeScript.

Checking the roast

We have an array of input elements, so let’s check that each has a value. In JavaScript, we could do this:

var errors = [];
for ( var field in required_fields ) {
  if ( field.value == '' ) {
    errors.push( field.name );

This would correct an array of bad field names. Let’s CoffeeScript this up:

errors = []
for field in required_fields
  if field.value == ''
    errors.push field_name

This doesn’t seem much of a saving. Notice, however, that there’s only a single statement in the if block. This means we can use the same trick we employed in the for block — putting the conditional statement in front of the condition:

errors = []
for field in required_fields
  errors.push field_name if field.value == ''

Now there’s only a single line in the for block, so we could repeat the trick and move everything on to a single line:

errors = [] ( errors.push field_name if field.value == '' ) for field in required_fields

Note our parentheses again, to help clarify what’s happening to what.

So, our CoffeeScript now looks like this:

window.validate = (form) ->
  required_field_names = ['name', 'email']
  errors = []
  required_fields = (form.elements[name] for name in required_field_names
  (errors.push field.name if field.value == '') for field in required_fields

There are two things left to do: prevent the form from submitting only if we have errors, and then report those errors back to the user.

Serving the perfect cup

Preventing submission on error is now trivial. Replace the last line of the function with a check on the number of errors:

window.validate = (form) ->
  errors.length == 0

validate now explicitly provides the “yes or now” answer to: are there zero errors on the form? This is very readable and maintainable: the final line of the function sums up perfectly what the function does. The error reporting could be similarly simple, adding the following before the return line:

alert errors.join(',') if errors.length > 0

This is too simple for me, though: no descriptions, just a list of field names. Let’s break this out into an error handling function — report. Add this line instead of the alert:

report errors

then add the following function below validate:

report = (errors) ->
  alert "This form has errors:nn" + errors.join("n- ") if errors.length > 0

Our final source looks like this:

window.validate = (form) ->
  required_field_names = ['name', 'email']
  errors = []
  required_fields = (form.elements[name] for name in required_field_names)
  (errors.push field.name if field.value == '') for field in required_fields
  report errors
  errors.length == 0

report = (errors) ->
  alert "This form has errors:nn" + errors.join("n- ") if errors.length > 0

Since we’ve started extracting concerns, let’s go a step further. Looking at the validate function, it does four things: defines fields that should be completed; collects errors from those fields; reports those errors, and returns false unless it has found no errors.

Cleaning up

This sort of quick extraction has always been a pain in JavaScript. Creating functions can lead to scoping issues, and the syntactical soup to ensure correct scope often prevents extraction from adding to the readability of the code. With CoffeeScript, pulling out functionality such as the error handling is trivial and does nothing but aid readability. We could continue this to clean up validation further:

window.validate = (form) ->
  errors = get_errors form, ['name', 'email']
  report errors
  errors.length == 0

where get_errors just extracts the error-scanning code:

get_errors = (form, field_names) ->
  errors = []
  fields = ( form.elements[name] for name in field_names )
  field.name for field in fields when field.value == ''

we could get even more concise and make report return a value dependent on whether there are any errors to report, which would let us
boil validate down to:

window.validate = (form) ->
  report( get_errors form, ['name', 'email] )

This is probably a step to far for just now, but look what we’re doing: we’re actually discussing how to make the code tidier and more readable instead of simply trying to figure out what the heck the code is trying to do in the first place.

That, alone, is the biggest win CoffeeScript gives you: You’re no longer tasked with first conquering your language before you can tackle the domain problem.

Updated: the get_errors
function definition thanks to a suggestion by Robin

Hack Week round up

Posted by on January 23, 2012

Hack Week has been and gone and I’ve finally got around to collating feedback from the team. To give you better insight into what everyone worked on, and the outcome of their efforts, each team has written about the projects they took on and what they achieved.

Test Suite Speed #1


I investigated the effects of garbage collection on our test suite speed. I tried turning off GC entirely (our tests run in parallel in child processes that exit before they use up too much memory) and deferring GC runs to every few seconds (using code from http://37signals.com/svn/posts/2742-the-road-to-faster-tests). I discovered that turning deferring GC runs was the best strategy – it reduced our test suite time by about 20%!

During hack week, I had a ton of fun and worked with team members with whom I don’t normally get an opportunity to collaborate. Plus we have faster tests, which is a huge benefit for the whole team. I’m looking forward to the next one!

App-wide Search


As we are about to move to Elasticsearch for indexing our logs, my Hack Week idea was to experiment with building an app-wide search function. It is just a prototype but it enables users to search across Contacts, Projects and Expenses and can easily be extended. Elasticsearch is accessed from Rails using the Tire gem. Instead of using Tire’s after_save callback to keep the index up to date, Elasticsearch has the concept of rivers which pulls new data. Every update triggers an AMQP message using Bunny which is then picked up by Elasticsearch RabbitMQ river.

It was an exciting idea and I really enjoyed the hack week and had the opportunity of experimenting with new pieces of infrastructure which we hope to use soon.

API Client

Graeme B:

Murray and I, with design input from Tane, built CashAgent: a simple mobile cashflow forecasting app using the new version 2 of the FreeAgent API. We developed the server side of the app in Ruby using Sinatra, and the UI of the app in Javascript using Ember.js.

Our goals:

  • It was Murray and Tane’s first week at FreeAgent and we wanted
    them to jump straight into building apps.
  • Give the new version of the API a good work out, especially our
    new OAuth 2.0 authentication system.
  • Try out the Ember.js framework (which is great by the way!)

We had loads of fun building the app and are looking forward to releasing API v2 and the next Hack Week.

Revisiting HTTP load balancing


Bugged by a number of shortcomings in the “traditional” approach to scaling via HTTP load-balancing, I spent the time prototyping an approach to this problem based on an idea that has been rattling around in my head for some time. Rather than configuring the address of each of our app-servers in a front-end load-balancer and having this load-balancer “push” traffic to the servers, I inserted a Message Queueing server (RabbitMQ) into the mix, writing a small server to “publish” HTTP requests onto a queue, and letting our app workers subscribe to this queue to do the work for each request.

By the end of the week, I had built a relatively robust prototype which we’ve used in a testing environment internally, which has
demonstrated that it’s both fast and scalable enough, and also simplified the configuration and maintenance of our infrastructure.

Which is nice.

Blog posts and open-sourcing hopefully to follow.

BigDecimal / Ruby 1.9.3

Graeme M:

We started out the Hack Week by looking at the performance of Ruby’s BigDecimal, which we use extensively, based on my gut feeling that it was slow, and my secret desire to mess around with C extensions. However, after a spot of performance testing, we discovered that it wasn’t that slow, and it definitely wasn’t a bottleneck.

So we switched tack and worked on upgrading FreeAgent to Ruby 1.9.3 (we’re on 1.9.2 right now). This upgrade, whilst still not complete, will decrease our test suite run time as well as greatly improving Rails boot time. We hope to move the app fully onto 1.9.3 in the near future.

Test Hygiene


We test everything at FreeAgent, before, during and after development. This means we have a huge suite of tests which we run any time we make a change. It also means that suite takes a long time to run. Any developer will tell you that Test Driven Development requires fast turnaround on your tests. Waiting ten seconds to find out if you’ve broken anything can be deemed too long. The full suite of unit tests in FreeAgent takes several minutes.

Instead of starting from the premise of making tests “faster”, we thought we’d start by making them “better”. Any fool can speed up tests by reducing the number or scope of them. Our goal: get faster while actually increasing coverage.

Result? We won, spectacularly. Reviewing our tests in a concerted effort revealed a number of anti-patterns, chiefly:

  • hitting the database when we didn’t need to
  • testing things more than once, in more than one place
  • trusting our factory-girl factories

the first two were easily spotted and dealt with, and led to a massive speed up. The third was more subtle. Something as innocent-looking as:


was causing a huge overhead. Why? Because a bill needs a contact to be valid, and a contact needs a company to be valid, and a company needs a bank account to be valid, and all of these objects were being created and destroyed every time we needed a bill. Replacing with:


made all of that go away. When all you want to do is check that bill correctly decides when it’s overdue, you don’t care about the rest of the object, and you certainly don’t need the overhead of going to the database to create a load of relationships you aren’t testing. Our factories had grown, but our tests hadn’t evolved with them.

Obvious stuff, but sometimes you need to take that step back and ask “what am I trying to do” instead of “how has this been done before”.

Especially when it takes you from 150 seconds to four.

It goes without saying that Hack Week was an enormous success. Everyone enjoyed it (although on reflection, some wished they had picked something a bit more ‘exciting’!) and it has definitely had a positive impact on the team and the way we’ll approach things going forward (tests in particular). We’re also really excited about driving some of the concepts through to production, such as the new load-balancing solution. And of course we’ll be blogging more about the technologies as they progress (and are hopefully open sourced!).

Watch this space.

Engineering Summer Interns

Posted by on January 11, 2012

Every summer we invite at least one intern to join our Edinburgh-based Engineering team for three months between June and September and today we’re officially opening the doors to the Class of 2012! If you’re a CompSci student at a UK university and you want to do something amazing this summer, please get in touch!

Find out all the details on our Jobs Page.

Hack Week update

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We’re two days into our first Hack Week and we’re already seeing good progress.

Testing is a common theme being worked on by two teams. The FreeAgent code base is fairly large and is complemented by an even larger
automated test suite, containing unit, functional and integration tests. This test suite is a massive win for us, enabling developers to aggressively refactor code and be confident that they haven’t introduced any unwanted side effects by doing so. The downside to the tests is the time it takes to run them all, which is currently ~20 minutes. That’s 20 minutes parallelised over 4 hyperthreaded cores on a beefed up i7 iMac.

We have one team looking at reducing the total run time of the test suite, and also reducing the time it takes to execute a single test which, due to Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails, can be frustratingly slow due to the boot-up time, hindering TDD flow. Another team is looking at removing unused test dependencies and refactoring test cases by removing scenarios where we’re testing things too often or sometimes unnecessarily. We’ve already seen one particular test case run time drop from over one minute down to four seconds!

We have a team developing a handy new web app against our new API (currently in beta), and another team looking at optimising floating point arithmetic, which we do a lot of in FreeAgent as you might imagine, and we’re also experimenting with elasticsearch as a foundation for an app-wide search feature for FreeAgent.

Our design and front-end development team are collaborating on a new prototype area of the app, thinking about the past, present and future of your business.

Finally, leading on from the work we’ve been doing at Speeding up SSL, we’re prototyping an evented and queue-based middleware by attempting a novel approach at load balancing web requests.

Now, back to the hack.

Hack Week [initial commit]

Posted by on January 9, 2012

Starting today we’re going to be trying something a little different in our development team. For the entire week our project schedules are being put on ice while all our engineers and designers (12 of them) are being left to their own devices to hack on whatever they want, so long as it’s FreeAgent-related.

Hackathons like this are nothing new in the software development world – Google offer 20% time, Atlassian have FedEx day . It’s no surprise that developer-centric companies are doing this more frequently. Hack days provide an opportunity for developers to get properly in the zone and push themselves to deliver something different; to learn and apply a new technology; to deliver that project they’ve always wanted to kick off but haven’t yet been able to prioritise; to take that crazy idea they’ve been thinking about for ages and prove the concept with a working prototype; to pair-up and have fun.

A lot of hackathons are for an exhausting 24 or 48 hours, with long nights and lots of caffeine. Our developers are more than welcome to stay late and hack (we’ll buy in pizza – or more likely, burritos – and everyone can help themselves from our resident beer fridge), but we don’t want to make that mandatory just to get stuff done. Instead, we’re just making the hackathon a whole week long.

Hack Week is a prototype itself. Expectations are high but of course software projects often fail. We’re cool with that though, because we know we’ll learn something valuable from the experience and we’ll enjoy the ride!

I’ll be blogging during the week about all the projects we’re undertaking and I’ll post again about what we accomplished on Friday.

Go FreeAgents!