All posts written by Pinar Batat Buke

The Data Science Internship Chronicles: A Starfleet-worthy Tale of Numeric Exploration
In the vast expanse of the universe, I, a humble data science intern, set out on a mission to improve a classification model. As I delved deeper into the data, I encountered anomalies and outliers that threatened to disrupt my analysis. But with the guidance of my mentors and the help of advanced data tools, I navigated through the stars and uncovered the hidden patterns that led to breakthrough insights.… Continue reading

Mindfulness with GitHub
I was a researcher in chemistry in my previous career, so I have a habit of labelling everything. It is important in chemistry to be organised; you don’t want to mix unknown liquids in unlabeled beakers. Can you guess why? BOOM! I apply this habit in every area of my life. Now, everything has a place and is clearly labelled. I have a place for vertically striped socks and a… Continue reading